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Pautas para farolas solares caseras

DIY Solar Street Light technology is certainly not a new innovation, it came into existence in seventeenth-century B.C, and this innovation has denoted its essence in both the developed and the developing nations. Electric Street lights utilize a lot more energy as they use High intensity LED lamps. For energy conservation, we have everything that works with solar energy like Solar LED street lamps or lights, vehicles, solar-powered buildings etc.

Solar-powered LED street lighting has become very present all over the globe and these lights are very eco–friendly and are very easily installed, giving a splendid look. The solar LED street lights system extracts the solar energy and then converts it into electrical energy and the framework has automatic sensors, which automatically turns on as it starts to get dark and automatically turn off at the time of sunrise.


Design of DIY Solar Street Light System

The Solar LED street light system is very efficient and works based on the following parts, which are an essential part of the whole design, elaborated below:

  1. Panel solar

Solar panels or sun-oriented boards are designed to extract sunrays as a medium of energy for the production of electricity, light etc. These panels are referred to as photovoltaic since they are used for converting light energy directly into electrical energy.  Solar panel is fabricated from Solar cells. A huge quantity of little solar cells are spread over an enormous surface region, which can used together for arrangement of adequate power to be utilized.

El mecanismo de la célula solar es que, si la cantidad de luz que incide sobre la célula es mayor, ayudará a generar más electricidad. Por lo tanto, a mayor luz, mayor potencia. Se utilizan dos tipos de paneles solares para generar energía. Los más conocidos y utilizados son las células solares.

Los diversos diseños de paneles solares, que están expandiéndose en términos de popularidad y prevalencia, son los paneles de calentamiento de agua basados en energía solar, que pueden proporcionar muy fácilmente suministro de agua caliente a cada rincón de la casa, agua caliente a las piscinas y para muchos otros propósitos.


  1. Luces LED

Las farolas solares se utilizan o podemos decir que se activan desde el anochecer hasta el amanecer. Tienen una función automática de encenderse cuando anochece y apagarse cuando amanece.

Los LED se utilizan en las farolas actuales para proporcionar una luz más brillante con un bajo consumo de energía. El consumo de energía de los aparatos LED es menor que el de los aparatos de sodio de alta presión, que se utilizan habitualmente en las farolas convencionales. En comparación con las luces incandescentes y fluorescentes, un solo LED no es equivalente a ellas. Muchos LED proporcionarán una luz brillante que estas luces. Las ventajas de los LED incluyen principalmente que son respetuosos con el medio ambiente, muy resistentes, sin emisiones ultravioleta y una larga vida útil.


  1. Batería recargable

One of the most important component in the installation of the LED street light system is Rechargeable Baterías. It’s a kind of electrical battery also called as a secondary cell. For the most part, there are two types of batteries in particular, one is gel cell deep cycle battery and the other one is lead acid battery. These rechargeable batteries are utilized for storing the electricity produced from the solar panel during sunrise in solar LED street lights, so that it can manage the energy consumption in the sunset. The lifetime of the battery and usage is very important as It showcases the durability and reinforcement time of streetlights so that they can reused.


  1. Polo


Para cada farola de carretera y, además, para una farola solar, se necesita un eje sólido. Hay diferentes piezas, como por ejemplo paneles, baterías y aparatos fijados en el punto más alto del poste. En esta luz, el voltaje de funcionamiento es de 12 V CC, que es un voltaje de sistema aparente, y la salida del poste a 12 pies es de al menos 0,9 unidades LUX.


  1. Controlador


A controller is a critical gadget in solar street light which is used to choose the status of the charging and lighting by turning it on or turning it off. The controllers available in the market these days comprise of a battery charger, an auxiliary power supply, a LED light driver , a MCU and an assurance circuit. The battery can be charged by the power obtained from the solar panels boards during dawn and keeping in mind that in the dusk it charges the battery.


  1. Interconnecting Cables

Para interconectar la caja de la batería en la parte superior del poste, el LED y el panel solar, se utilizan estos cables. Conectan el módulo fotovoltaico al controlador y luego a las lámparas y la batería. Hay ciertos tamaños y longitudes de cables que se pueden utilizar para la instalación, pero las medidas se seleccionan en función de la corriente que se transporta a las luces LED de la calle y la altura del poste.


Applications Of Solar LED Street Light

  • Airport lighting
  • Alumbrado público
  • Highway road way lighting
  • Bridge lighting
  • Parks and playground parking
  • Hospital parking
  • Residential lighting
  • Commercial lighting
  • Industrial lighting
  • Highway and ramp lighting
  • Area lighting
  • Security light
  • Parking lot lighting


DIY Solar Street Light: Benefits of DIY Solar street light

  • Their Installation is very easy.
  • They have a long usage expectancy and low maintenance.
  • They provide a pollution-free ambiance.
  • In comparison to other conventional light, they offer a high lighting output
  • 2-year full system warranty.
  • These lights are very easily portable.

This concludes the Solar based LED Street light system and its applications. We trust that you have clear comprehension of this theme, and on the off chance that you have any questions on this subject, you can contact us at de la iluminación.



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