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How T0 Arrange The LED Landscape Lights at various scenes in the city lighting project?

How to arrange the LED landscape lights at various scenes in the city lighting project?

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City lighting project has been in full swing with the progress of the time, and it has become an important indicator of the improvement and beautification. A city that shines is the eyes of the country. The light of the city impresses the soul, makes the city warm, and improves the happiness of the whole city. These are enough to prove that the lighting project has developed and merged in the rich connotation from a single function of visual enjoyment.
So how can the LED landscape light be arranged to fulfilled such an effect?

the image displays an led landscape lights

LED Landscape Lights

DEL Lighting will explain to you in detail as following.

1. Night illumination of the bridge

The night illumination of the bridge is mainly to highlight the overall effect of the bridge. Art lights should be placed along the road on both sides of the bridge, and one can be placed every 4-5 meters, to make the sides of the bridge glitters like pearl chain. It not only serves as lighting, but also make the bridge more beautiful. By using different styles of lights and unique techniques, the lighting of bridge can create different aesthetics.

2. Building contour lighting

the image displays LED landscape lights

LED landscape lights

The exterior lighting of the building is designed to directly outline the contour of the building with a line light source. Common line lights source includes string lights, neon lights, light-resistant lights, light pipes, LED light bars, and whole-body light-emitting fibers. Illuminating the edges of the building with narrow light will make the building more stereoscopic and visual.

3. LED landscape lights: Overpass night lighting

The overpass is an important transportation hub in the city, and the quality of overpass lighting have directly related to the safety and smoothness of the entire city. Similarly, overpass lighting is also an important part of city landscape lighting. Therefore, a good overpass lighting is the prerequisite for ensuring that its function is maximize. The overpass is mainly a lane that runs up and down and spreads around. Lighting effect of the overpass should reflect both the contour of the lane edge and to provide the lighting for the vehicles.

City lighting project not only beautifies the city, but also provides a good lighting environment for people to travel at night, promoting the development of city economy. The city at night is particularly fascinating with the outline of the lights. When the night falls, the city becomes more dazzling. Under the decoration of light, the night of the city shows a different view from the daytime, even more beautiful. It is like a fairy’s magic wands, only revealed when the night comes, and the first light is the time that truly show its charm.

Application of LED Landscape Lights
For example, in Shanghai, a bright pearl on the land of China, a city that never sleeps. The night in Shanghai is sleepless, and the night view of Shanghai is tempting. The rivers on the Shanghai Bund are colorful under the reflection of the lights, The Oriental Pearl Tower is particularly dazzling in the lights among all the buildings.

the image displays the oriental pearl tower using led landscape lights

LED landscape lights; The Oriental Pearl Tower

Conclusion; LED Landscape Lights 

City lighting is the display of city taste and a reflection of city charm. The proper application of LED landscape lights in various scenes can highlight the characteristics of the city itself, accelerate the construction of city infrastructure, and promote the development of local economy.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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