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Things To Look For In A Solar Street Light Brochure

You may be asking yourself, why would you need a brochure when most of the information you need is available online. In marketing, the manufacturers use solar street light brochure to introduce their business and expand their visibility. A brochure is a marketing tool that only highlights the positive aspects of the company.

A brochure as an advertising document aims to introduce the company and highlight a few products and the advantages or benefits of using its services or products. Here are certain things that you should look for in a solar street light brochure.

Introduction To The Company

In this section, you should expect the company’s profile. The vision and mission statement are the two most important information that most companies include in this part of the document. The two help in distinguishing the company from its competitors.

Here you are likely to get information such as the history and years of experience of the manufacturer.  Some manufacturers may provide a summary of the advantages you will get for using their services and products. If that’s not all, you will also learn about the company’s specialty.

Some manufacturers may indicate their Quality Management Systems Standard. It is usually a sentence or paragraph describing their Quality Assurance and the type of quality standard they use, such as the ISO9001:2008.

Some companies may exclude this section and go straight to the description of the solar street light system.  This omission may only occur if the strategy behind the drafting of a brochure is to sell the product and not the brand.

Description of The Street Lighting Systems, series, And Design

In this section, you should find a few descriptions of the solar street light system, which may include a list of components that you are likely to find in the design. There could be information about the special features you will experience when using their product.  One crucial information you should always look out for is the application areas of the product.

In terms of design, the manufacturers may decide to include the procedures they use to design a solar street light system. It may include the various system design standards, compliances, and procedures to meet its quality policy.

Technical specifications may also feature in this section as a summary of the individual components if a company makes more than one system.

Description of the Solar Street Light Components

In this section of the brochure, the company may choose to describe each component in the street light system. You should find the different types and technologies used for the lighting fixture, solar modules, battery, and solar charge controllers.

Pictorial views or well-labeled drawings of the components dominate this part of the brochure. The company may decide to indicate the technical specifications, functions, features, and advantages of each of the equipment that forms a complete solar street light system. The technology used in each

Some manufacturers may list standards and compliances that each component meets since they use different technologies and serve different purposed.

The system and component descriptions may appear on one page in the case of a company having more than one solar street light series: One side is the complete system, and on the other side is an exploded functional diagram of the various components that makes up the unit.

Solar street light System Options

If the company produces different types of solar street light systems, then this is the part they get to list them per their categories. This part of the brochure deals with the entire solar street light. You should see labeled and detailed drawings or pictures of the complete unit. The drawings may include dimensional details and descriptions of the various parts.

Solar street light Special Features and Operation

Most people like this part of the document, mainly because it highlights special features and the type of technology used in designing the system. You will find technology, such as the PIR motion detectors and ambient sensors.

Description of Mounting equipment

This section includes a detailed description of the mounting mechanisms that will be used to give support to various components. It is also a section for other components that contribute to the design and appearance of the system.

Statistical Data Of Research

Here, you will find statistical data of the research done by the company to determine the performance of the system. This part of the document contains descriptions of relevant optical and mechanical data.

Closure: Company Details And Achievements

This last part of a solar street light brochure contains the contact information of the company. Manufacturers may provide their physical address, fax, email address, telephone number, and a website link. Some companies may include a map that shows the directions to their offices. In some, you may company achievements and partnerships in the closure section.

Solar Street Light Brochure: Conclusion

Since brochures are also promotional tools, you should also be able to identify the offers and discounts they have. Warranty and quality are not enough to make a product more attractive; there must be something that the company offers, perhaps to make it more affordable.

People who do not have internet and access to the websites of the manufacturers will have to rely on the brochure to get an idea of what the companies do. A brochure might not be that detailed, but it should provide the necessary information that will make a potential client make the right decision.

Someone with a couple of brochures from different companies will be able to come up with a good comparison of the services and products. Therefore, manufacturers have to provide real facts that may convert a potential client into an actual buyer.

Companies may decide to add many pictures and information about a product in the brochure; however, the clarity of the content is what most customers consider most. To some people, a picture is worth a thousand words, while others believe that content is king. Therefore,  a brochure should contain clear and detailed and informative descriptions of the solar street light. Home



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