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5 Questions You Should Know About Solar Power Area Light Companies

From 2008, solar power area light companies have advanced greatly. Several solar companies have been established to offer the best solar lighting solutions, but what are some of the things to know about them? These five questions assist customers in appropriating questions when they want to purchase street lights

What light fixture is used for the solar assembly?

There are several solar power area light companies, though there are those that remain to be the best in the solar business. You need to rely on the light fixtures, especially when it has been manufactured with an experienced lighting company.

What are the available lighting distributions?

Street lights are known for using Type II and Type III distributions; nevertheless, scenarios are never the same. There is a possibility that your lighting requires Type V-rectangular distributions. Do these solar power area light companies have the kind of lighting distribution that you need.

Distribution patterns make it possible for the specific lighting, though this depends on the lighting project. Several distributions can be used in a single lighting project. Based on the number of sidewalk, lanes, sidewalks, together with other features, there is a need for setting the distribution patterns for each light. In other words, light distributions cannot be generalized for a specific project. This makes it possible for the lighting coverage to be complete in addition to not leaving pedestrians and drivers in the dark.

Is there a photometric layout that can be used to determine the amount of light that is below the street light fixtures and up to the number of feet from the lighting fixture center that has a light?

This question is somehow tricky since there is a possibility of having five foot-candles below your solar light fixture, though there is no light 20 feet from the fixture. Some solar power area light companies can boost this. Also, this has been increasing the number of lighting systems that are needed for the illumination to be even.

It is through this that the light distributions are of great significance because great distributions are needed for big areas. Because of even illumination, better visibility together with less eye-strain is achieved for drivers. This is among the good safety features to consider when solar power area light companies are installing street lights.

What is the amount of battery backup being offered in days?

Certain solar power area light companies are known for offering a 2-3 day solar battery backup, though this is still known to be for the bad solar lighting system design. Mother Nature is not only known for providing up to two of the bad weather but also provide for more days when there is a little sun. Also, this brought about over-discharging of the batteries; hence, their failure rates increased, and have expensive replacement and maintenance costs.

If the solar power area light companies sell you a street light that can offer five nights of solar energy storage for the same locations, the maintenance and operation costs will automatically reduce. The discharge depth for the solar battery is known for affecting the battery’s life, in addition to the depth of discharge of battery less than 20%, keeping the cycles exactly or higher than 3000, in which the depth of discharge is brought to up to thirty percent each day; hence, decreasing the cycles by almost a half. Batteries that can only store energy for just two or three days can be replaced within a short duration.

Customer service response and warranty coverage

Warranties being offered by solar power area light companies are of great significance. A short period warranty suggests that solar street light will not take more than a year. The lighting system can be costing a few thousand, though it is associated with expensive replacement and maintenance costs. You will end up spending more money than its actual price. Rather, make sure that you are buying a lighting system that can last for more than 20 years since this will greatly reduce the overall costs.

When there are problems, how do the solar power area light companies’ customer service providers respond? Are they known for leaving people in the darks and stopping communication as soon as the deal is settled? Get referrals for your friends, and family.

Solar Power Area Light: Conclusion

Solar power area light companies are known for providing services; these services are different. Before settling in a particular company, our company, DEL Illumination is known for assisting you in terms of meeting your lighting needs. Through the customer care providers, you can get what you need as far as solar lighting is concerned. Moreover, other questions can only be handled by the manufacturers, so, you must choose one that the list of solar companies on the internet.

PS: If you have any requirement for solar LED street light, please feel free to contact DEL ILLUMINATION



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