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How Stand Alone Solar Street Light System Compares With Centralized Solar System?

Stand alone solar street light system and centralised solar system are two options available to the users in the solar industry. These two systems are widely used in different parts of the world and they have huge significance for the solar industry. The centralised solar system has been available for a longer time and some studies have shown that it is present all over the world for the lightning of streets, roads, parking lot, etc.

However, over the course of the last few years, a new technology i.e. stand alone solar street light system, has also become widely popular. The major difference between the two types of technologies is that the stand-alone system has a separate solar panel with every solar light while in the case of a centralised system, the solar panel system is present only in one place and various lights are provided energy from this source through cabling system.

How Stand Alone Solar Street Light System Compare (1)

Therefore, there is a debate in the industry regarding the value and usefulness of these different kinds of systems. It has been observed that some users have a preference for standalone solar lights while on the other hand, a great number of users tend to prefer a centralised system for providing energy to street lights. Therefore, in this article, we will carry out a comparison of two different types of systems and discuss their benefits and drawbacks. In this way, users will be able to get a comprehensive idea of the two systems in a comparative manner and make the best choice for their requirements.

Stand alone solar street light system

This is a combination of a solar street light, a solar panel, a battery, and a pole. A combination of all these elements is sufficient enough to light a coverage area in a street or any other place. This system is completely independent and does not require any energy source for its operation. This is also the reason the name “stand-alone” is given to the solar street light systems. Below we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of stand-alone street lights and carry out and objective discussion for the understanding of the readers:

Benefits of Standalone Solar Street Light System

The benefits of the standalone solar street light system are as follows:

1. The street lights are capable of performing on their own without the requirement of energy supply from a secondary source. In this way, in case of a power breakdown or any other issue in the grid system, they will continue to provide lightning.
2. Every light is independent of each other in case there is a problem with one light, it will not affect the performance of other lights.
3. These lights generally have a longer life since the capacity of battery and solar panel is only being utilized for a single light.

4. There is no cabling requirement since this standalone system provides energy on its own and no cabling from a secondary source of power is necessary.
5. They are usually able to operate for a longer period and can support more rainy days as compared to lights in a centralised system. This is because they have a separate battery and solar system support.
6. In case, there is an issue with a street light, then it is easy to detect the problem and carry out a fix.

Drawbacks of Stand Alone Solar Street Light System

Some of the common drawbacks are as follows:

1. The overall cost of installing these lights is usually much higher as compared to the centralised system because there is a separate requirement of solar panels and batteries for every street light.
2. The poles of standalone street lights have to support greater weight due to solar panels. This means that a poll of greatest strength is necessary. This will drive up the overall cost of the project.

3. Designers are not usually able to make an assessment of the requirements of this word street light. In this way, they recommend largest batteries and solar panels which can have any impact on the budget.
4. The presence of a solar panel on top of the lights results in shade underneath which can sometimes be a problem.
5. It is difficult to carry out regular maintenance of the street lights.

Centralised Solar Street Light System

In a centralised street light system, the solar panels and batteries are located at a separate place. Therefore, in order to supply energy to the street lights, cabling is necessary. Since the power is being supplied from a centralised source to all the street lights, it is commonly known as a centralised solar street light system. Below we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the centralised solar street light system:

Benefits of a Centralised Solar Street Light System

The significant benefits are as follows:

1. This system is cost-effective as all the street lights get there power supply from a centralised source.
2. The power is used in a more rational manner because it is being supplied from a centralised system.
3. The weight of solar street lights is less which means that even in normal people can support them.

4. The maintenance requirements for lower as compared to standalone solar street lights because the power supply base is present at a single place.
5. There is no shading problem since no solar panel is present at the top of the pole.

Drawbacks of the Centralised Solar Street Lighting System

Some of the significant drawbacks of the system are as follows:

1. An extensive cabling system is necessary for supplying power to street lights at different places. This can result in complicating the operations of the lights and also have an impact on the outlook of the area.
2. In case there is an issue with the centralised system then it will result in an overall failure and all the lights will not be able to operate.
3. During rainy days or when there is a cloud cover, a centralised system will not be able to provide energy to the street lights for a longer period.
4. It may have a shorter lifespan since manystreet lights will draw power from a single source.

Stand Alone Solar Street Light: Conclusion

In this article, we have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of standalone and centralised solar power system. The stand alone systems are capable of performing on their own without requiring any power from a secondary source. However, the solar lights in a centralised system get power from a centralised source. The stand aloneer scale. Therefore, we recommend people to properly a systems are usually most expensive as compared to centralise systems. However, centralized systems have extensive requirements of wiring and issues in a central system cause problems on a widnalyse the pros and cons of the two systems and make informed decisions while also considering their specific requirements.


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